Much of the content may be a bit dark, but it is not necessarily in chronological order. There are no dates, because I don't think it matters if I wrote it 3 years ago or yesterday. I decided to write for me and I know most of the time I feel like writing is when I have something I need to process or work through; this is really my only place to come to and release.

I am not miserable, I am just healing.

Lord Please...

Help me stay positive when those around me are not
Give me strength when I feel like I might break
Let me have patience when life's plans have to change
Show me compassion when others may have less
Give me the energy to get from here to where I am going no matter who tries to stop me
Bring me my family
and protect my love
I know you won't let me fall too far...but I can't help but be scared sometimes

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